Monday, February 1, 2010

Why are blogs so popular?

Sometimes I wonder why blogging has become so popular. According to Technorati,, there were over 15 million blogs in March of 07.  How many more blogs are out there hidden behind firewalls or passwords that can't be counted?  And how much has that number grown over the last three years?  I tried to google and find the answer...I think we've stopped counting. 

Blogs allow us to interact online in a similar fashion to the way we do offline. We can talk about daily happenings, post pictures of our family and pets, discuss what is on the menu for dinner tonite (and share the recipes being used) and keep in touch with family without ever having to pick up the phone.  Is this a good thing? 

Blogging is a medium that allows us to learn about a person you may have never had the opportunity to meet, making it possible to reach anyone, anywhere in the world.  By reading their blog and providing your thoughts, blogging allows us to establish 'friendships' all via cyberspace.

When you blog, you are free to be who we want to be.....maybe this is why blogs are so popular?