Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now What?

Ok, so I started my blog yesterday but now what? I have been playing around all morning trying to "customize it" and my end result is basically a headache. I think I need a help button for the help feature, as the answers provided to me are about as clear as mud.

There there's this thing called ad sense. Can anyone tell me in plain English how to go about using it? I understand the concept, you can earn money when someone clicks on one of your ad sense ads. But that is where my understanding ends. They supposedly are being helpful by walking you through the steps of how to get an ad, but during the process they ask you to add 'channels', image url's, 'feeds'..........arrgh!! If you click on the "help" button next to these terms, a new web page opens with supposed instructions, then asks you "was this information helpful"? If you click no, that's it. No additional assistance. So I'm back at the beginning on having no clue on how to use ad sense.

It is also not clear to me how one searches for a blog?! I of course can find my own, and I can find those of friends who have provided me their url....but where to I do a general search? I'm really starting to feel my 4.0 in college was a scam seeing how I am failing this "simple & easy" way to blog.

So I go back to my usual technique, using the Google search engine for help and guess what results come up? The help section that I'm already using on Blogger. Now what??

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